
Showing posts from May, 2021

Thought Corner (22nd May, 2021)

  Be intelligent enough to know "what to" and "what not to" consume from your role models and relevant others you look up to. The fact that they are accomplished and influential doesn't mean that they are always correct - remember, they are still humans just like you and I; and all humans have flaws, make mistakes, and change with time. Don't be in a haste to imbibe what would be detrimental to you in the long run because someone you respect expressed their view in that regard. You have a brain, use it to think ideas and opinions through before accepting them. BE SMART © 

5 Ways Smart People Prevent Their Insurance Claims From Being Rejected

  Have you ever felt scared to take up an insurance policy because you heard of some stories about people who's claims got rejected due to some unknown reasons, they probably were ignorant about.  Fear not, because insurance companies value their customers very much; but also remember that insurance agreements are binding on the parties involved. Hence, parties have a duty to always adhere strictly to the rules of engagement and check with each other from time to time to ensure that breaches do not occur.  Apart from asking clarifying questions from the inception of your policy about terms in the agreement you do not understand fully, long before you have need to file for claims. Here are 5 ways you can prevent your insurance claim from being rejected: 1. Be Honest: Sharing your honest personal details such as age, habits, hobbies, medical history, profession etc when taking up a policy are very important because they are used to determine your premium and your risk cover...

Thought Corner (8th May, 2021)

I believe that leveraging on one's strengths and place of impact is a smart way to win in life. But since everything can be learnt, I'd say it's equally okay to develop new strengths from one's weaknesses through proper GUIDANCE. Anything is attainable for anyone who believes, puts in focused effort, and is willing to sacrifice comfort for a while. © #elileojoblog   

Thought Corner (7th May, 2021)

Picture your life as a table and your income as the leg(s) of the table - When there's only one leg to support the table, if one leg breaks, the table collapses. But when there are multiple legs to support the table, if one leg breaks, the table may wobble but remain standing. Build yourself multiple sources of income, so that your life doesn't collapse if one source fails.  Instead of joining the crowd of complainers, create monetized solutions and sell it to the complainers.  When selling, remember that you are not trying to convince them of anything, but rather, to show them how you can make their lives easier. There are no favors involved. It's a win-win for everybody.  Don't buy luxuries until you have the assets to afford them.  When picking friends, choose those whose behavior is better than yours and you'll gradually drift in that direction.  Buying things you do not need just to impress people in the short-term; will have you selling things you need in ...


Discipline is an action we choose to act on. It is the high price we pay daily to get to our target destination. The more strict attention we give to discipline, the easier it is for us to live extraordinarily. All great men and women we look up to today, attained peak success and impact through discipline. Discipline is a sacrificial act of conscious focus. It involves choosing to say YES to what feels like work, even when all we want to do is relax and have fun. It is choosing the hard or difficult over the easy. When discipline becomes the new normal, a habit, a lifestyle; the miraculous becomes a daily reality. CHOOSE DISCIPLINE TODAY ❤️ © #elileojoblog #BookOfChris