Consider This Before You Accept A Job Offer

Are you tired of working each month with nothing to show for it? If so, you probably accepted your current job offer without truly understanding the concepts of "Gross Income" and "Net Income." You see, in expensive cities like Lagos, Nigeria where the cost of living is high - you might need to pause and reconsider the long-term financial impacts of accepting a salary offer and negotiate for a better salary if you have to. Not all that glitters is gold. While the salary offer might look juicy in figures, it is more important for you to ensure that most of it is not swallowed up by your monthly expenses like transport, feeding, utility bills, data subscription and house rent. This is because in order for you to live comfortably and grow your wealth, your expenses must be far less than your income. For my readers who don't have a background in financial accounting or business management, the two concepts below are very important for you to get familiar with: ~Net ...