Progress and Productivity are never the same thing as being "Busy" - you can actually be very busy and still remain stuck at the same level for eon, and that's not the same as being productive.

Presently, we live in a world where tonnes of "life-transforming" information and resources can be accessed in just about a short period of time; from eBooks, to videos, and podcasts, literally there's no excuse not to make progress in the direction you truly desire at this time in history. 

The underlying problem with this information overload is, over-consumption of unnecessary-yet-irresistible information can leave you directionless in life.

Yes my dear, it is true that no knowledge is a waste; but have you ever stopped to consider how much you stunt growth in your true-north (areas of greater impact)  by jumping at every opportunity presented to you. I get it, you mostly jump at these opportunities for fear of missing out or being left behind, the fact however is, you're not missing out on anything at all, especially if it does not complement your natural abilities and skill-sets.

A wise man once said "if you don't stand for something, you'd fall for anything" and believe me those who fall for just about anything don't make massive progress nor attain transformational fulfillment. You can't make progress without being productive and you can't be productive without applying focus. 

The major key here is "focus" - the moment you know how to apply this superpower to your personal life, I can assure you that you'd move from 0 to 10 and then eventually 100.

You see, focus is so powerful it literally makes the universe align with your strongest imaginations. Yes, the universe gives you the enabling tools to realize that which you focus strongly upon - you don't have to take my word for it, just ask anyone who has made or is still making progress and every principle you'd learn from them would revolve around "focus" like the solar system does around the sun.

The question then is; Chris, but how does one focus in a world where there's so much happening around, from noise to several distractions all fighting for the mind's attention? - my simple answer is follow these steps: 

  1. Look for tranquility and solitude (go wherever works best for you); afterwards cut out all forms of distractions and then write for yourself a GOAL (Personal Vision Statement) for every facet of your life that truly aligns with your personal values. 
  2. Then write yourself a detailed PLAN (Personal Mission Statement) as a guide or road-map to help ensure that you realize your set goal(s).
  3. Read & MEDITATE on your written goals and plans over and over again daily till it becomes a constant thought. 
  4. The moment it becomes a constant thought - ACT, literally take action that points only towards that set goal. Also note that, in the process of taking action, you might not always stick with your written plans, but make sure that whatever plans you diverge to stays in tandem with your written goals. If it doesn't, let it go. 
  5. Get HELP when necessary, learn from your mistakes quickly, develop new principles, get advice from experts, listen to podcasts, do some research, take short courses and read specific books - do whatever it takes to help you achieve your written goal(s) and shun anything else that doesn't align with your goals no matter how dazzling they appear to be.
  6. When you ACHIEVE your goal(s) celebrate, reward yourself for the effort you made in seeing it through. Value your achievements and aspire for improvements where necessary - Remember this, the process that birthed the progress is more valuable than the progress itself... You might need to read that again, because the principles and character which would help you make more progress and help others you share your story with, wouldn't be, if it wasn't for the process. Hence, you must value and respect even the process.
In conclusion, there are many things out there you deem beneficial and helpful, but when you continue to make room for things that don't align with your personal values in life, you will constantly find yourself working very hard or being "busy" and still feeling like you aren't doing your best ; when in actual fact if you had been working smart by confidently and persistently applying the power of focus towards things that compliment your personal values, talents and strengths you would have made great progress, thereby being truly productive with your life. 


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