Thought Corner (October 11th, 2021)

 On this chapter of the Book of Chris :

🐬 Sometimes you have to kill a fly with a sledgehammer, and it's not just about that fly, it's about the other flies watching. 

🐬 Some people are INVESTMENTS  and some people are BILLS. Know the difference. 

🐬 Be comfortable with waiting a little longer for the things you deserve. 

🐬 Networking is underrated. You can get rich just by having the right conversation with the right person. 

🐬 Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything.

🐬 Sometimes it's not about the place or the experience. It's about the person you're with.

🐬 Fun is yours. You define it.

🐬 Her mindset will raise your kids. Not her body and flawless looks. Choose wisely.
🐬 If you want to buy things without having to look at the price, work without having to look at the clock.

🐬 Two hustlers always make the best couple. A hustler and a leech will never make it together.

🐬 Struggle is temporary. Sacrifices are like investments. Give up the short-term comfort for the long-term win. Be patient and stay focused.

🐬 Only put your energy into things you have a future with.


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