In my humble opinion, I think it's always more rewarding when people take job offers in industries that they can have fun at - yes! fun, work should always be play because those few who truly excel and stand out in their industry are those who play their best game in a field where many basically just work. 

You know what's worse than fooling others - right, fooling yourself.

It's nice to welcome people's good wishes and standards for you, but you will almost never feel as fulfilled in life as much as when you follow your core childhood dreams.

Majority of our most productive years would be spent at work, therefore it is important that we choose career paths or accept jobs that we truly are wired for - in terms of natural abilities. 

Stop playing it safe, stop doing it to have others' approval, stop doing it to impress - Start doing it for you, for impact, for the audience that really wants to have a piece of your uniqueness. 

Your childhood interests, passion, gifts, talent, aspirations and even weaknesses were always there for a reason - to guide you towards the path of destiny, fulfillment and heart-felt success.

It's not too late to do exactly what you were designed and endowed to do. There's still opportunity for you to chase a career path that you're actually wired to have fun and excel at. Likewise, there's still opportunity to live your truth and experience the joy of it.

Sometimes, the problem is neither your boss, manager, colleagues, nor subordinates - maybe, the problem is that you took a job you're not designed for because you needed to earn a living; the good news is, you can still accept job offers in fields you're built for and still earn a living, just put in some effort and make your findings.

Conclusively, stop saying "YES" to things you should actually be saying "NO" to. Create your own standards, do what you're built for and dive into a realm of true meaning and fulfillment. 


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