The concept of digital well-being revolves around creating and sustaining a healthy relationship with technology, which has become a part of our daily lives.
It involves how technology can serve us and move us closer towards our goals rather than distract us from our goals and make us unproductive. Maintaining a healthy digital diet helps us to improve our relationship not just in our private life, but also at work. 
You see, in this age, technology is such an important part of our lives, that it's unreasonable to talk about disconnecting from it entirely.  Hence, it becomes crucial for us to consciously gain control over our digital habits and digital behaviors, as this will enable us to actually find the right balance that works for us.
Nevertheless, some options that can help you consciously improve your relationship with technology are:
1. Digital Guidelines: These refer to apps or specific technologies, designed to help you get greater digital control. 
  • Reduce or customize the notifications you have on your phone. For example, Gmail, Android etc. Allow rich customization of notifications settings. 
  • Put your device in "Do Not Disturb Mode." Do Not Disturb will generally block all notifications and prevent you from being interrupted. You can allow exceptions, so you can put on Do Not Disturb, but still allow a call in case of an emergency. 
  • Keep your main productivity apps for work, only to your device' home-screen to really focus on what's essential there. This way, those apps that distract you are actually moved to the second or third screen of your device.
2. Physical guidelines: These refer to how we look at our environments and the personal space around us.  
  • Try and spend as much time outside/outdoors as you can because this will provide you with different stimulae.
  • Begin and end your day without your phone/device? Tip: Charge your phone outside the bedroom to create distance between yourself and the phone.
  • To help you be more productive at work, actively prepare then have device-free meetings. So when you're with relevant stakeholders at work, you will make more conscious choices and be attentive. 
  • Preferably, have one smartphone for work and another for your personal life, and put on silence or shut off entirely the device which doesn't suit your current environment.
  • Scheduling the time you use in responding to emails or other important notifications.
  • To help you better communicate with others try to have more face to face conversations, as we connect to each other much more when we are fully present. 
In conclusion, yes! Changing habits and developing new behaviors take time, nevertheless you will enjoy the benefits of this balance, the benefits in your physical health, in your psychological health, in your relationship with other human beings and in the way in which you perform at work.


  1. You're doing a nice job man. Try to add a like button to the site so that people who are not free to comment could hit it easily and that will give you more feedback on what they think about your post. Well done boss.

    1. Thank you for the feedback, we'll work on it, thanks 👍


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