
Showing posts from August, 2020

Thought Corner (30th August, 2020)

Life is like a stage play...  There are Scenes in the Acts of life, and there are many Acts in the Play called life; fortunately, God Himself is the playwright of life - Now, He already has illustrated severally in the manual for life (The HOLY BIBLE) that though we may experience a few tough scenes, we are not to be shaken because the play doesn't end a tragedy. So don't leave the theater yet, cast your cares upon Him, sit still, as you're about to experience your scene change for the better, because what the enemy meant for evil would serve as a stepping stone to a brighter future. Read: Psalm 27  Happy Sunday 


The life you acquired or were born into isn't yours. Forget about your age, quit bench-marking your life against that of other people, your life hasn't started yet; so don't be mad desperate to get out of your acquired life in a hurry such that you inflict damage on your soul for eon or sell your freedom and peace of mind in the interim. Be patient with yourself, the purpose of life is to evolve at your own pace. Take all the time you need - learn, unlearn, relearn and equip your mind with all empowering knowledge, principles and models to help you build a solid, decent and healthy life for your true self, your higher self, the you that you actually are. Notwithstanding, if you now realize that you already made some terrible decisions and choices with your life; my dear, you're not alone and everyone makes mistakes, but understand this "it's not your fault and there's not a much better time than now to turn a new leaf." ... "The bl...


”People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.” – George Bernard Shaw  Should you stop worrying today because you can't have everything under control, no matter how well you plan? Hmm, let's see...  Sometimes, we make life and at other times life makes us. But this often depends on the choices we make, and how we respond to circumstances both within and outside our locus-of-control.  Everything we worry about falls into two prevalent categories: i. The Things We Can Change: this comprises of our reactions, decisions, actions, attitudes, habits, style, environment, quality of life and beliefs. ii. The Things We Can't Change: this comprises of facts, chance occurrences, and other people's philosophies of life.  Hence, judging from the insights above we need never have to worry about nothing if we can or cannot change it. However, what we should do instead of indulging the act, worrying; are: practicing mindful...