”People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.”
– George Bernard Shaw 

Should you stop worrying today because you can't have everything under control, no matter how well you plan?

Hmm, let's see... 

Sometimes, we make life and at other times life makes us. But this often depends on the choices we make, and how we respond to circumstances both within and outside our locus-of-control. 

Everything we worry about falls into two prevalent categories:

i. The Things We Can Change: this comprises of our reactions, decisions, actions, attitudes, habits, style, environment, quality of life and beliefs.

ii. The Things We Can't Change: this comprises of facts, chance occurrences, and other people's philosophies of life. 

Hence, judging from the insights above we need never have to worry about nothing if we can or cannot change it. However, what we should do instead of indulging the act, worrying; are: practicing mindfulness, positive thinking and taking actions aimed at finding solutions. 

Worrying is an "exercise in futility" with many costly effects on mental and physical health.

You would therefore agree with me that, you should stop worrying today because you can't have everything under control, no matter how well you plan.

I leave you with this deep quote by Leo F. Buscaglia - “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy."


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