"Creativity is related to 9 of the top 10 skills that global executives say is essential for 2020 and beyond." – World Economic Forum  

So what really is "Creativity"?

According to Stefan Mumaw, who has authored six books on creativity, "Creativity is problem-solving with relevance and novelty."
It also is, "the ability to combine and recombine bits of information — either from your store of memories and knowledge or from the outside environment — in novel, original, and useful ways,” says Shelley Carson, author of Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life.

Based on the largest known sample of one-on-one CEO interviews, involving over 1,500 corporate and public sector heads across 60 nationalities and 33 industries polled by IBM - 60% of CEOs cited creativity as the most important leadership quality required to help manage companies in today’s world.

It not only is the most sought after soft-skill in leadership, but also the most distinguishing in life. 

Benefits of creativity:
  • It keeps the mind fit
  • It takes the mind off worry and stress
  • It spurs clear and organized thinking 
  • It allows for true self expression
  • It enhances self competence, confidence and productivity 
  • It unites people, and 
  • It results in efficient problem solving. 
It is salient to note that being creative is not limited to artists, artistes and artisans alone. Creativity  actually spans across all professions, and all humans are born with it. However, some people tend to discover and better exercise it earlier than others.

Ever felt boxed in or have a hard time being creative? Well, even the most creative people sometimes find themselves caught up in such moments. But based on research, here are ten (10) ways by which you can tap into your innate creativity:
  1. Start your days off with positive mind pictures
  2. Be more observant and curious about life 
  3. Absorb relevant information through reading  
  4. Experience live artistic events more often
  5. Do (not just think) outside the box
  6. Be responsibly carefree and authentic with your craft
  7. Practice drawing similarities between differing objects and concepts
  8. Immerse yourself in nature more frequently
  9. Jot down novel ideas or thoughts, and 
  10. Practice big picture thinking. 
Creativity is a relevant skill we ought to flex more often at work and in our daily lives. It is a priceless asset needed to unlock latent potentials in us, enrich our lives, as well as that of others around us.

I'll end with this quote by Maya Angelou -- "You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." 


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