Thought Corner (7th December, 2020)

📌 The smartest way to to get what you want from someone else, is to help them get what they want in the first place - look for people who want what you have and who also have what you need.

📌 Constantly setting GOALS and working towards achieving them can make you feel good about yourself and your life in general.

📌 What you know (knowledge) is more important than what you have (possessions), but the most important thing to have apart from knowledge is wisdom (the ability to understand what is important and constantly do it). 

📌 In most cases, how you do something is much more important than what you do.

📌 You begin to feel a sense of clear purpose in life, when you gradually start to set and achieve goals that are directly or indirectly linked to your good personal values, passions and beliefs.

📌 Do your BEST and the universe will help you make it profitable.

📌 It is a wiser choice to spend more of your time improving on your talents, skills, strengths, competence, and other things you already know how to do well ; than spend much of your time on trying to get better at something you know you don't enjoy doing and you naturally can't do.

📌 If it was difficult for you to gain something e.g money, your peace of mind, health, a friendship, freedom, an opportunity, love, a business contract, trust, or even a relationship - always give yourself extra-time to think about whatever you are exchanging it for. If what you are exchanging it for is not as good as what you already have, keep what you already have and forget about what you can exchange it for.

📌 Without the cleansing power in the blood of JESUS CHRIST working for us, we being born of a sinful nature would not be able to have direct access to GOD because GOD is so Pure and Holy that nothing unclean can comfortably be around HIS presence.

📌 Stay true to your good values and beliefs, because they will bring you peace.



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