10 Things Most People Never Know

  1. It is totally okay to do what brings you peace, even if it means pissing some people off. 
  2. If you can't deal with it alone, always share it with at least one loyal friend.
  3. Everything that people do either to you or for you, doesn't define you - it defines them.
  4. It is better to be alone and at peace with yourself, than to be with the wrong crowd and constantly live in fear.
  5. The only thing you should be worried about losing is your mind, because every other thing can be replaced.
  6. The best time to enjoy life is now, this hour - let tomorrow worry about itself.
  7. Not everything you were taught growing up is absolute truth. Find your way - the answers you seek are inside you already.
  8. 20% of your financial success is dependent on you working to earn money, the other 80% is dependent on making money work for you.
  9. At every point in time, there is always so much wealth, love, health, joy, peace, influence, creativity and everything good that you can ever imagine equally available to everyone on earth - the concept called "limitation" is not a fact. 
  10. Know what excites you, stand by it and defend it - this is connected to your life's purpose. 

© Elileojo.blogspot.com


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