Pray Like You Would Chat With Your Best Friend

Start the Conversation:

Sometimes, you probably feel overwhelmed about talking to God, but really the act of prayer doesn’t have to look like a formal morning ritual or a strictly scheduled act before each meal. Prayer doesn’t even have to be flawlessly worded, and you don’t have to take note about every detail to make it valid.

As a matter of fact, prayer can be as simple as a series of short conversations throughout your day, just like you might text your spouse or best friend. Give God updates, ask His opinion, and tell Him how you feel. Remember, all GOD wants is an authentic relationship with you. 

When we pray, God wants us to feel comfortable enough to spill it all out. He already knows us inside and out, so we don't have to hide our worries, insecurities, or feelings from Him. 

The Psalms written by David are great examples of how to pray with complete vulnerability. David cries out to the Lord in anguish and he praises God with beautiful poetry. He pours out every bit of his soul, holding nothing back. David wasn’t perfect, but he leaned on God throughout his entire life, and he’s known as a man after God’s own heart because of it.

So even if you feel awkward or hesitant, pray regardless. With time, you’ll reach the point where you’re able to recognize God's power and purpose in your daily life; and prayer then becomes as easy as chatting with your best friend.

So let’s follow David’s example, and be people who trust in God. 

Here are some conversation starters to help:

Dear God, I missed talking to you today and wanted to tell you about what happened…

Lord Father, I wanted to tell you I’m thankful for… 

Lord God, I’m really having a hard time today. What I’m feeling is… 

Hello God, I’m listening. What do you want to say to me?

Big Daddy, I know I can’t do it without you, so I’m asking you for… 

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