Thought Corner (September 27th, 2021)

 Book Of Chris:

๐Ÿฆ† Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions. That shouldn't be happening. Enjoy every moment of your life. 

๐Ÿฆ† If it does not bring you peace, profit, or purpose, then don't give it your time, energy and attention. 

๐Ÿฆ† Starting a business from scratch will teach you more than a degree ever will. 

๐ŸŒปDevelop the habit of supporting your friends business like you support these celebrities who don't know you exist. 

๐ŸŒปForget nice cars and designer clothes. Having good health, peace of mind, more time to spend on things you enjoy and progressing financially is the real flex. 

๐ŸŒป Practice positive self-talk regularly, because your mind listens.

๐Ÿบ Generational wealth and virtuousness starts with the one person who is devoted to building it. Be that person in your family. 

๐ŸบIn your 20s you care what everyone thinks of you. In your 40s you stop caring what everyone thinks of you. In your 60s you realize that no one was ever really thinking of you in the first place. - so love your parents, and do what makes you happy as long as you aren't causing anybody harm. 

๐ŸบGrowth is painful. Change is painful. But there's no pain worse than staying at a place you don't belong. 

๐ŸŽ Just because you earn more doesn't mean you should spend more.

๐ŸŽ What you see: A millionaire. What you don't see: Working overtime, Many previous failures/setbacks, Almost constant ridicule from friends and family.

๐ŸŽ After you hit a certain age all you want is money, stability, and peace of mind.

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