If you want to live an extraordinary life you first must know who you truly are, and to get to that place you must go find out who you truly are. It won’t happen stuck in fear, it won’t happen frozen in doubt and it certainly will not happen without a dramatic shift in your perception of what the purpose of your life is.


1. What do I love absolutely?
Okay, so this question isn’t referring to your love of chocolate. More so, it’s a list of anything that you expressly love about the world and the people in your life. We can all be cynics and say the world is a hopeless mess, but deep down we do have things to us that matter. Write down anything that fuels you, that you get excited about, and those things that make you feel alive. For me it’s creating new projects, writing songs, teaching, conquering something I used to be afraid of... absolutely anything that you love lies within your deepest passions.
2. What do I consider my greatest accomplishments in life?
This is a list of the moments that you are exceedingly proud of, and any time you feel you were successful. Accomplishments are realized when we tap into our inner strengths. When you acknowledge your accomplishments, think about what it was that allowed you to have the success—was it a behavior, an action, or a set of strategies? List also those activities and things you enjoy that are a breeze for you to complete. With these accomplishments are your greatest strengths.
3. What would be my purpose if I knew no one would judge me? 
 This single defining question is what rocks my world the most each time I go to my list and answer authentically and honestly. Tell yourself, and write down everything that you would do, everywhere you would go, even everything you would say, if there was no fear, no worry of repercussions, no judgement of your choices, right to your most deeply held wishes and dreams. When we are connected to this, we are connected to the purpose of our life, and this is the dramatic shift inside. This practice will guide you to discover your greatest personal values.
4. If there were no limits to what I could have or could want in my life, what would that be?
We all say to ourselves, “just imagine what I could do if I had...” So, describe what that would be. Your ideal life, be specific, nail down how you would live out a day if you knew that you were guaranteed success—who are you? What kind of person do you think you would be? How much money are you earning, and where are you living? How are you living? Are you a successful chef, author, manager or the next  Mark Zuckerberg ? This question is a true eye-opener for many as it has us verbalize and list what exactly we think we are missing, and surprisingly it might not be that far off from where we are at the moment! Aligning with these inner expectations, we can work toward the life we genuinely want. Our desires are also rooted in the quiet wisdom that we really do have the power to make this a reality. We put the life we want so far out of reach that we convince ourselves it’s too much to tackle to see it manifested, telling that voice inside there’s no way we can go from here—to there. We can though; list it and see how close you might be to realizing that potential for you.
5. If I had all the money in the world, what would I do?
When we are not realizing our life’s purpose, when we are living in a day-to-day world of “if only,” and we are on the verge of a dramatic shift, we tend to get bogged down with thinking it’s all about not having enough. For so many, it’s not enough money. So make a list of every single thing that you would really love to see happen in your life if you had all the money in the world. (No, on this list you don’t have to pay taxes. Remember, no limitations when you visualize.) Lots of us would list endless travel, buy a house, start your own business, give money to your family and your favorite charity. But after you’ve done all that and there’s quite a bit of money left over, then what would you do? Challenge yourself to think along the lines of no boundaries and fulfilling a purpose—then what would be on your list? Here is where we get a chance to think with no limits. Remove any restrictions you can, open up to what you really love and want to do with your life. You know the old saying, “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.” It’s so true here.  Remove limitations, and you begin to visualize opportunity for growth and dramatic change.
6. Who do I admire most?
Who exudes the qualities that you admire most in a person? Think about what really inspires you in this world, and who is living their own world OUT LOUD. We tend to admire those people who have very similar qualities to our own selves but who have escaped limitations and refused to be prisoners of fear. They are not always famous or grand; but have harnessed the power of faith and trust in knowing no matter what, living authentically is the only option.


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