Confidence is key to getting ahead in life. It helps you do better at work, in relationships, and in interviews. Overconfidence, however, can make you seem like a genuine jerk. We all know that one person that thinks they are the strongest, smartest, and just all around best at everything. Truthfully, we all dislike that person to some degree. Even the Holy Book in James 4:6 affirms, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." So, while confidence is essential, it's important to stay humble as well.

  • Observe the wonder of babies as they courageously learn EVERYTHING. They are humble not humiliated.
    Humility reveals what there is to learn.
  • View the Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, and other natural wonders or at least the pictures if you can’t go. It helps keep human efforts in perspective. Celebrate the larger view and live humbly to balance ego.
  • Once a week, have someone teach you something they do well that you don’t.
    Being a willing student helps you stay humble.
  • Learn one of the 6500 known languages. It’s a great reminder of who else exists in the world!
    Humility fuels learning beyond visible boundaries.
  • See those who live with a severe chronic illness and still give generously of themselves.
    Humility redefines struggle and strength.
  • Go without comforts and convenience for one day or better yet one week. Those who make life easier come into full view.
    Humility magnifies appreciation of others.
  • Help someone with a physical challenge. Their tenacity is inspirational as it places struggle in a new light.
    Seeing the challenges of others inspires humility.
  • Write down all your pet peeves about other people. Then ask yourself how many of those things you can humbly overlook.
    Humility nurtures patience and inhibits selfishness.
  • Become and stay curious with others. Ask one question each day to expand the mind and humbly learn from different views. Humility can be intensely interesting and enjoyable.
    Curiosity sparks humility.
  • Ask for help from others who live humility in success. They will help you to overcome the myths and fears and live the truth about humility.
  • - See more at:
    Tips to help you remain humble :
  • Observe the wonder of babies as they courageously learn EVERYTHING. They are humble not humiliated.
    Humility reveals what there is to learn.
  • View the Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, and other natural wonders or at least the pictures if you can’t go. It helps keep human efforts in perspective. Celebrate the larger view and live humbly to balance ego.
  • Once a week, have someone teach you something they do well that you don’t.
    Being a willing student helps you stay humble.
  • Learn one of the 6500 known languages. It’s a great reminder of who else exists in the world!
    Humility fuels learning beyond visible boundaries.
  • See those who live with a severe chronic illness and still give generously of themselves.
    Humility redefines struggle and strength.
  • Go without comforts and convenience for one day or better yet one week. Those who make life easier come into full view.
    Humility magnifies appreciation of others.
  • Help someone with a physical challenge. Their tenacity is inspirational as it places struggle in a new light.
    Seeing the challenges of others inspires humility.
  • Write down all your pet peeves about other people. Then ask yourself how many of those things you can humbly overlook.
    Humility nurtures patience and inhibits selfishness.
  • Become and stay curious with others. Ask one question each day to expand the mind and humbly learn from different views. Humility can be intensely interesting and enjoyable.
    Curiosity sparks humility.
  • Ask for help from others who live humility in success. They will help you to overcome the myths and fears and live the truth about humility.
  • - See more at:

    1) Listen: The greatest tools we have in our humility artillery are our ears. The easiest way to get the focus off of ourselves is to give attention to others. Boosterthon CEO, Chris Carneal, always says "Show up, Pay attention, and engage."

    2) Do things you aren't very good at: Humility is when you start reading a 200 page book and your fiance finishes her 500 page novel before you get halfway through it.

    3) Surround yourself with people who do what you do...only better: When you are the best at what you do everywhere you go, it's easy to become complacent. It's also easy to forget that the next best is working his/her tail off trying to outshine  you. You're never as far ahead as you think. It's like your car side mirrors. The people behind you are closer than they appear. When you surround yourself with more talented people, it raises your game and levels your perspective. 

    4) Learn to say "I don't know":  Everyday I am learning how much I don't know, and I couldn't be happier about it. Life's full of questions we simply don't have answers to. It's exhausting having to know everything, so leave that to Wikipedia. Say "I don't know", listen, then learn. 

    5) Encourage others: As an athlete, you have people cheering you all the time, and let's be honest, it feels pretty good. Take every opportunity you get to cheer someone else. It might make their day and it'll make you appreciate those people who take the time to do it for you. Like the picture of soccer star Christiano Ronaldo taking selfies with his fans at the beginning of this post. 

    6) Call your Parents and Grandparents: Talking to our older relatives can be time consuming, repetitive, and often underwhelming. But it is also vitally crucial because not only did these generations take the majority of their lives raising you and caring for you (I do understand that's not always the case), but they crave relationship with us in ways we sometimes don't comprehend. Talk on the phone for 10 minutes every few days. Go to that family gathering...again. You'll realize you didn't get to where you are by yourself, and you'll be better off for it.

    7) Learn to apologize: Don't just say "I'm sorry". Think about how what you did makes someone else feel. Show some empathy and apologize. Apology does not equal weakness. Apology equals humility which is strength.

    8) Hold a new born baby: Nothing gives me more joy in life than holding a baby. They can't protect themselves, they can't even hold their heads up. They put their entire security in your arms and you become wholly responsible for them. You can't help but look at a baby in your arms and realize you're not the most important person in the room. 

    9) Get caught singing something embarrassing everyday: Whether it's Michael Jackson or ABBA, sing it loud and sing it proud. Then blush when you get caught and hurry off the elevator...Lol!

    In conclusion, people respond well to humility because it shows that you place yourself at the same level as them, and not above them, that is why the most humble leaders get the most loyal followers.



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