We seek respect of others in all aspects of our lives, especially in the workplace, The truth is nobody wants others violating their expectations on how they believe others should behave towards them. Consequently, the common meaning of respect is to behave as other people feel you should behave. If you violate the expectations of others in certain ways, then you’re being disrespectful. If you behave the way others feel you should behave, then you’re being respectful. So respect is actually a form of obedience. No wonder the most obedient people are perceived typically to be most respectful. Unfortunately, most people have misguided ideas on how to achieve the goal of earn respect.
Here are some tips to help you earn respect in the most professional manner:
1. Panoply Self-confidence: Confidence emanates when you have a backup plan in place. However, if you are ever laid off at work, this will accord you the confidence and flexibility to be a visionary.

2. Be Prompt: This will show your superiors and subordinates that you are a competent person who keeps their word. If you are given a deadline that is unreasonable, tactfully figure out a way to convey this information to the individual who set the deadline.

3. Be Humble: Be ready to admit your flaws, but don't focus on them. People generally will not respect a leader who appears insecure and often mentions their shortcomings.
Show your human side but maintain a sense of bravado and self-assurance.

4. Persevere With Others: Having patience with others will demonstrate you have confidence in co-workers and trust that they can expand their knowledge and skills. People will always reverence those who treat them well and will never be scared to approach them with problems or questions.-

5. Respect Co-workers Even If You Don't Like Them: Displaying professional respect to everyone you encounter during the course of the workday is important as well as rewarding in the long-run. Change occurs rapidly in the corporate world. Someone who is your subordinate today may someday become your supervisor. Or a co-worker may join another company and become one of your future clients.

6. Don't Repeat Workplace Gossip: While it may be tempting to listen and repeat the latest office gossip, being partisan to such will give the impression that you cannot be trusted with confidential information. It also shows that you enjoy discussing the ill of others. 

7. Be Inclusive: As a leader communicating changes in the organization and what impact such changes may have on all involved is crucial. Inspire your subordinates to ask questions and stay informed about what is happening within the company. Publishing newsletters has been proven to be an effective way of achieving this feat. Share knowledge with co-workers.

8. Praise Workers: Doing this enhances their confidence in acquired skills. It could also motivate them to embark on new tasks and put in extra effort.As a good leader, If you must give criticism, combine it with praise for what the employee excels at, accompanied with an explanation of the problem and preventive measures that can be taken to prevent future occurrences.

9. Be Neat and Organized: An active workplace is indicative of a hard-working individual but a disorganized workplace leaves the impression that you have absolutely no regard for the image of the company. Your clothing should also reflect the idea that you value your professional image. Dress perfectly at all times.

10. Be Professional At All Times: The final word of advice to those who seek respect within and outside the workplace is to be professional at all times including at office parties. Ensure you do not get drunk at company social functions. Although an event may be held off company premises, it is still a work-related event and it isn’t professional to act rudely or say something distasteful. Truly your private life is your own business but you have to stick to company etiquette in order to maintain your reputation at work. If a co-worker gets high(intoxicated) at an office party, be discrete and do not mention the incident in the following days.



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