Isn't it funny how successful some people brand themselves to be on the internet, and constantly exude a persona which makes you feel like you're lagging behind in life; until you actually see them struggling in reality and then realize what grave mistake you made thinking so poorly about the progress you've been making in your life.

My dear you see, you're not alone in this self-imposed comparison trap - almost everybody is guilty of this. But don't get me wrong, comparison isn't a bad thing in itself, but how we choose to go about it.

You would agree with me that not all fingers are equal, you would also agree with me that variety is the spice of life; well, if we're on the same page then you'd further agree with me on the fact that our personal values, talents, abilities and areas of peak performance differ. What then is the essence of being bitter about not having something that doesn't truly define your uniqueness. 

Our lives are made up of times and seasons and are like a garden, when we focus on our garden and are in sync with our times and seasons we wouldn't notice if someone else's garden is greener, let alone nurse ill feelings towards the good work they've done on their garden. Therefore, it can easily be deduced that ill feelings you nurse about yourself due to others' progress is an indication that you are a terrible gardener and out of sync with the times and seasons in your life, and it's never too late to redress your garden for the better. 

Henceforth, rather than down yourself into feelings of low self-esteem, envy, unhealthy competition, and inferiority complex on the basis of comparison; decide today to use comparison to motivate yourself towards manifesting whatever level of progress you deem attainably worthwhile, because there's a great possibility that those whom you use as as your benchmark could as a matter of fact be quietly looking up to you.

In conclusion, your life doesn't suck, the thought you have about your life sucking is what really sucks - unsuck it


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