There are two of you in you, let both coexist; because you can survive, but not live with a single identity. ~ Tapan Ghosh An alter-ego is a second-self, the opposite of who you usually are and your presonality; it is a persona created by an individual–usually to live out a better version of the self. For example, A few years back, American singer and songwriter Beyoncé Knowles created an alter-ego which she named Sasha Fierce. She described Sasha as being fun, sensual, glamorous, and aggressive. Beyoncé let Sasha out when she was on stage. This AE protected Beyoncé’s self-identify as someone who was reserved and very ladylike. Likewise, in comic books, Peter Parker works as a photographer for the Daily Bugle but, has a crime-fighting AE who makes an appearance when needed, Spider-man. Jane McGonigal, PhD, explains in her book "SuperBetter: The Power of Living Game fully" that alter-egos can help give us distance from ourselves. This can help us deal better wit...