🍷The two most important, yet underrated skills in life are selling and investing. 
🍷If you don't have investments that make you extra money in your sleep, no matter how much you save, you will never experience financial freedom. 
🍷Paper certifications/qualifications would never beat practical experience and creativity. 
🍷The Devil really is the god of this world and he is the sweetest route to all bitter endings.
🍷Contentment with godliness truly is great gain.
🍷Time spent trying hard to make people who you admire like you, respect you, recognize you and accept you in return is time wasted. 
🍷Never develop any deep relationship with someone who does not have the same values and goals as you do.
🍷Not everything that appears too good to be true is a scam, some opportunities come on a platter of gold.
🍷You can be happily single when you have set goals and are working to manifest them, as well as, when you have honest and supportive friends to spend good times with. 
🍷Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't destroy others.
🍷Stop listening, seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling immorality - everything you take in adds up to control who you become.
🍷Respect yourself enough to ignore people who don't reciprocate the sincere love and respect you extend to them.
🍷Working to develop skills is more rewarding than just working for pay. 
🍷The works of the flesh and all immorality seem good in the short-run, but they always lead to a destructive end in the long-run.
🍷Every naughty child/teen just wants your attention and love.
🍷Any person who can't sacrifice or freely give you their time, attention, money, or resources does not love you at all, also any person who makes you feel very comfortable with your ugly habits or attitude is your enemy.
🍷Observe people and read their intentions before bringing them closer. 
🍷When people show you who they are, believe them. 
🍷A goal written in ink on paper, repeatedly read and visualized is a goal half achieved.



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