Thought Corner (15th December, 2020)

👑 Be thankful for closed doors, bad vibes, and stuff that falls apart. It will protect you from things not meant for you.

👑 Buy or Invest in assets that earn you passive income (money that you don't have to trade your time for) because MONEY will always work harder than you ever will.

👑 Every other skill can be taught and learnt, but not creativity - it is more like a supernatural stimuli within us all which comes into play in different ways.

👑 Work like you don't pray and pray like you don't work, because you get more luck when you work hard.

👑 To build a highly competitive brand, first make your product as awesome as possible - then seek negative feedback from all corners, improve the product and repeat.

👑 You can outsmart any competition in business by finding qualified customers and having a customer-centric culture.

👑 Non of the wealthy people built and sustained their wealth by selling their time for income. They all built and sustained their wealth by owning and holding cash producing assets and investments.

👑 Create awareness for your excellent product/service, arouse interest in your qualified buyers, persuasively convert your qualified prospective buyers to existing customers, maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with existing customers, and make your existing customers advocates for your excellent product/service.

👑 If it feeds you, feed it. If it bleeds you, cut it off.

👑 Maybe not everytime, but most times do what is hard.

👑 One of the most toxic things you can do to your mental health and self worth, is to constantly ignore the bad in someone because you want to keep them in your life.

👑 Imagine being with a person who asks GOD to help them love you correctly.

👑 Successful people constantly think of their plans, as well as how to achieve good things faster, also, they have a positive vision of life.

👑 Choose peace over drama and distance over disrespect.

👑 Follow One Course Until Successful - FOCUS



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