Thought Corner (20th December, 2020)

🕯 Sometimes, the only work you need to do is, show up!
🕯 The older I get, the less lies I tell, the wiser I become and the less need I have to impress people. 
🕯 Be honest with yourself, really, what are you becoming?
🕯 The dumbest ways to go broke are: buying things that harm your health, buying things you can't afford to impress others, investing in things you don't understand, gambling and trying to get rich quick.
🕯 Cultivate the habit of using your money to buy income.
🕯 Some days I feel good because I achieved the goals on my to-do list, other days I feel good because I managed to take a cold shower.
🕯 If you are not curious about it, you can't be good at it.
🕯 The number of jobs you can work out is limited, but the amount of assets you can own are not.
🕯 People give effort to what is important to them.
🕯 Money works harder than you ever will.
🕯 Every demon needs a body, and what you do with your body affects your mind which in turn determines the direction of your life.
🕯 The wider the gap between your income and your expenses, the wealthier you are.
🕯 Having money you don't need and investing it is how wealth is built.
🕯 Man is god, yet God isn't man.
🕯 Action relives anxiety - if you're worried or stressed, work on finding solutions to the root-problem. 



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