Thought Corner (24th December, 2020)

🔥 Retirement isn't an age, but rather, a calculation; because, once you reach the point where your assets are bringing in more than enough to cover your bills, you no longer have to work.
🔥 If you don't have money to make more money, use your time & knowledge to earn money; then take the money you earned and invest it.
🔥 Get a job to pay for the necessities and buy assets, then let those assets buy the luxury.
🔥 The people the Devil fears the most are those who have crucified their flesh and remind it every day that it is dead.
🔥 Are you aware that your flesh is harder to deal with than the Devil himself?
🔥 Financial independence helps you to do what you like, and if you don't know what you like, it will help you at least avoid what you hate.
🔥 When you are moving close to solution and you see your sad condition, you have started making progress.
🔥 The most important lesson in life and commerce is knowing when to enter and when to exit.
🔥 Without HEAT there would be no such thing as TIME.
🔥 Your past does not affect your present as much as your present does affect your future.
🔥 Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly in no time you will be doing the impossible.
🔥 A godly relationship is worth the patience.
🔥 Always remember that nothing good can come out from something bad, like begets like.
🔥 You have to enjoy yourself moderately while you're alive otherwise you'll just die for nothing.
🔥 The kingdom of darkness operates the most advanced scanning machine - they can see you in and out.
🔥 The value of DRY FASTING is that, through it, the flesh becomes weakened.
🔥 Aspiring parents should be subject to some strict set of criteria before they are allowed to have kids - it is sad to see many young people now selling their souls just to gain access to resources and support systems which their "parents" failed to provide them just to make ends meet.
🔥 You should learn (take in information/knowledge) in order to grow, not to fill your capacity.
🔥 Until you take advantage of passive income, you will always sell your time for money.



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