Critical Illness Insurance

Critical Illness (CI) Insurance is an insurance policy which directly compensates policyholders with lump sum payments upon being diagnosed with a severe illness, in order for them to cover health care or personal expenses. Unlike normal "health insurance" which pays the costs of medical procedures to doctors or hospitals if a policyholder gets sick. Some CI coverages are very limited and may only cover a handful of CI, whereas others can provide financial cover for a range of severe health conditions. The most basic CI covers are usually for cancer, heart attack, and stroke, because they are the most common CI and leading causes of death worldwide. Once the insurance company pays a policyholder CI benefits, the money can be used to cover personal or health care costs during treatment, such as: living expenses during recovery, in-home care, travel to and from treatment, childcare expenses etc. Consider CI insurance if: you run the risk of developing a CI in less than a de...