Thought Corner (September 9th, 2021)

Book Of Chris :

🐚Every self-made millionaire/billionaire got there either by investing, building a business, or doing both. There are no shortcuts. 

🐚 Life is hard for two reasons: either you are leaving your comfort zone or you are staying in it. 

🐚 To be successful at anything you don't have to be different. You just have to be what most people are not - consistent. 

🐚 Stop letting your potential go to waste because you don't feel confident or ready enough. People with just a quarter of your talent are making serious waves while you are still waiting to feel ready. 

🐚 Being famous is overrated. Being wealthy and anonymous to live a peaceful life is underrated. 

🐚 If your circle of friends isn't discussing success, stocks, starting business, fitness, and giving you positive encouragement, then you're in the wrong circle. 

🐚 Focus on 3-5 years down the road. Most people don't realize that the life they live right now is based solely on the decisions they made 3-5years ago. 

🐚 When you enjoy making money more than you enjoy having it available, you will have more of it. 

🐚 When you learn how to make money from money, you will never trade time for money. 

🐚 Celebrate your small wins. Small wins help you build momentum towards your bigger goals. 

🐚 The only two ways to get wealthier are earning more money or spending less money. 

🐚 Having discipline is more rewarding than using motivation, because motivation is a temporary state, while discipline can become an unbreakable habit over time. 

🐚 The goal is to have an asset pay for every liability.

🐚 Forgive your younger self. Believe in you current self. Create your future self.


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