9 Step Selling Process

Selling is all about persuading, and this vital communication skill is required to breakthrough at different levels of life. 

Below, is a more structured approach to selling anything to anyone:

🚀 Introduction - At this point you should ensure that you present yourself in a way that tells your potential client that you have something of benefit to offer. Start with your name, the brand you represent, and a brief "value statement" of the solution which you have to offer.

🚀 Exchange of Pleasantries - This is where you establish warm connection with your prospect by creating a more relaxed atmosphere for yourself and your prospect. A sincere compliment and a simple "how are you today?" still works wonders. 

🚀 Establishment of General Problems - This is the third step. It is at this point that you capture the heart of your prospect and stimulate your prospect's interest in the conversation by amplifying their pain points, aspirations, concerns, or fears. 

🚀 Narrow Down To Specific Needs - This is where you re-state that your solution has been specifically designed to solve the aforementioned problems or concerns. 

🚀 Presentation Body - This is where you talk about the top benefits your prospect would enjoy by using your product or service. 

🚀 Entertain Questions & Objections - This is the sixth step. After discussing about your offer always entertain questions from your prospect, and equally ask relevant questions about your prospect. Long before presentation day, it is good practice to have a list of answers to possible questions that your clients may ask during a presentation; as well as relevant questions you may have for your prospect. Also note that relatable case studies, short stories, and testimonials work best when handling sales objections. 

🚀 Test Closing - This is the point where you look-out for buying signals. You can ask for basic information required to either effect or finalize the deal. 

🚀 Major Close - This is where you talk less, and let the prospect freely exercise buying actions.

🚀 Ask for Referrals - This is the final step, and should be done after you have either made the sale or had an impactful sales conversation with your prospect. 

NB: During a sales presentation, avoid friction. Never disagree with your prospect. Acknowledge your prospect's view and give relevant scenarios to support your points. It is better to loose an argument and win the sale, than to win an argument and loose the sale. 


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