Accepting Responsibility for Positive Change

Most times we don't readily accept the responsibility of being a leader; either due to the weight it carries, the thought of being constantly held accountable, or maybe because we just don't feel that we we deserve that title yet.

So we skip rare opportunities to learn, grow, and impact the world around us. This loss however comes back to haunt us in ways that we never expect - and regret is the least costly price we have to pay. 

Too often than not, we complain about how systems aren't working as well as they should, and sometimes, we even air out genius ideas and brilliant solutions with regards to what should be done to make positive long-lasting changes. But still, we shy away from the slightest opportunities given us by life to implement change.

Everything that currently is, is a product of someone who at some point in time got very tired of waiting for someone else to get the job done, and instead took up the responsibility to effect change regardless of how many other people that single action could benefit.

It's high time you started taking up responsibility to create the world you wish for one unselfish act at a time, by doing what is NECESSARY - ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAKING THINGS RIGHT. 



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