Thought Corner (November 20th, 2021)
Love is not enough. Before you get married be self-sufficient and self-reliant. Then move on to discussing bills, parenting styles, what beliefs would be instilled in your children, your childhood traumas, sexual expectations, family health history, bucketlist, dream home, career and education, religious views, political views and whatever may come to mind - with your partner. BEING MARRIED & Miserable IS AS POSSIBLE AS BEING MARRIED AND LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER - GROW YOURSELF🌹
Marketing is all about painting a vision of the future that people get excited about the future - tactics that work include: subliminal programming, controversy, hype, storytelling, scarcity, fear of missing out, brand collaboration, influencer, and direct response copies. 🎯
Smart ambitious people either have a supportive partner or no partner at all. 🎯
Growth happens by doing things you are unqualified to do. 🎳
The liabilities of the middle class are the assets of the rich. 🎳
To handle an objection from a potential buyer of your product or service: - first agree with their concerns/doubts, - next counter their objection with a question that enables you to tell a short story about why their objection is not a thing to worry about, - thirdly in your story explain a similar problem and how you were able to solve it. You can also include how flexible your engagement terms are, - and lastly relate the short story to your prospect's case. 💼
Once the purpose of a thing is unknown abuse is inevitable - problem solving is the purpose of education not paper certifications. 💼
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