Let's Talk About Depression In Young People

I spoke with a young man in the neighborhood yesterday evening. 

He told me that he was diagnosed with depression after a few sessions and a test with a psychiatrist.

This young man still in his early 20s, said that he had a very low self-esteem and often thought deeply about what was wrong with him because some of his age mates and friends in the neighborhood were already driving their own cars and spending money lavishly.

He said sometimes he felt he was being watched, mocked, and judged.

I did emphasize with him. But I also made him understand that he had the power to choose his mood, feelings, and thoughts.

He immediately agreed and confirmed that the psychiatrist had actually said exactly the same thing.

You see, in the world today a lot of people actually look fine on the outside but are severely battling with their sanity on the inside. So be kind to people, check up on them, and listen to them.

The simple act of giving them a listening ear, might just be all they need to stay alive and heal, instead of committing suicide.

In conclusion, just like you see in this video; 98% of the time, things are not always as they seem. So stop comparing your life to that of friends, siblings, and strangers because you are different from them and your journey is unique to you.

Don't feel pressured or frustrated by the thoughts of people who don't support you to level-up. Do you, do your best and have faith in yourself and your GOD. 

Make the best out of life's many challenges. YOU ARE A STAR!


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