Some Things You Can Start Doing Today That Would Give You An Edge In The Near Future

1. Get Serious About Relationships: Check on your old friends from time to time and offer them support. They could be former work colleagues, class mates, or people you grew up with. Ignore your ego and put your social media and mobile airtime to good use. You never know what opportunities you're missing by not doing this. 

2. Improve Your Personality: Embrace new ways of thinking, use criticism as motivation, fix your personality flaws, read books that develop your mind, make friends with a stranger, do something for someone who can't repay you, attend events outside your industry, follow positive influencers on social media and be humble enough to seek feedback. 

3. Learn From Strangers: Everyone, including those younger than you knows something you don't know. Listen to discussions, ask questions, and be curious to learn about what seems strange to you. You might just discover something very useful to you because it's possible for you to have a problem and not know it. 

4. Do More Than Work At Work: You spend roughly most of your active time at work. Use this opportunity to learn from your colleagues, subordinates, and superiors. Compliment them and support them in your own little way. Be positive. 

5. Really Plan Your Spending: Your company is seeking ways to minimize wastes and maximize profits, you should be doing the same thing. It might sound contrary to public opinion but you shouldn't be spending on unnecessary things that wouldn't generate money for you. It is good to give but it is not wise to buy things you won't need. Buy money-back insurance, buy land, buy securities - these three things would generate wealth for you. 

6. Become A Friend To Your Children: If you are a parent reading this, you should be really interested in helping your children discover their strengths and developing them. Understand that not every child is meant to be a scientist, lawyer, or businessman - some are meant to be entertainers, athletes, and designers with enough money to invest in business ideas. So send your child to the school that's appropriate for them. Once a child can speak well, read well, write well, do useful arithmetic and think productively; they should be allowed to do work that energizes them. 

What do you think isn't on this list?


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