Progressive Reflection

Progressive Reflection 👇🏾

One of the least most popular topics in the business of life is CONTROL.

(Yes, life is business. Your life is your business and if you learn how to manage it well you'd have self-fulfillment, progress, contentment, peace of mind, positive influence, and a lasting legacy that outlives you.)

By control, I mean progressive reflection.

In business management, control is simply looking back to understand what aspects of planning worked and didn't work for a business/organization over a period of time; and helpful actions to take going forward that contribute to the success of the business.

You need to engage progressive reflection occasionally in order to lead a purposeful life.

If you live in a busy city like Lagos, I know it's harder for you to engage in progressive reflection because there's much more to distract you from your most important business, you.

But eventually, it's up to you to decide if you would prefer living on autopilot or living with a purpose.

If you study the biographies and lifestyle of high achievers (the 1% of the 1%), you would discover that they are very big on progressive reflection. They are intentional and detail-oriented. They meditate daily and practice mindfulness.

To move forward in life sometimes, we must look backwards for lessons. You can't experience holistic progress without investing time for progressive reflection.

To unstuck yourself and end unpleasant loops, you must practice progressive reflection because through the process of progressive reflection, you get to uncover your self-limiting blindspots.

Today, I encourage you to practice progressive reflection. Think deeply about those things you're currently struggling with. Mentally go to their roots to know what has not been helping you improve and what you should do to change your life for the best.

You have control over your life, don't lose it.


PS: This photo was taken after my very first time interviewing job applicants. At the time, my previous MD had an important business meeting to attend, so he delegated that duty to humble me. The success of the interview process wouldn't have been possible without the support of the company's secretary at the time.


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