Thought Corner (November 6th, 2022)
On this glorious Sunday morning, I'll be doing the Classic #ChrisTips from the #BookOfChris
- Love your neighbor as yourself - not less than yourself, not more than yourself... Just as yourself. Yes, it is okay to choose you first.
- If you want to be happy, be loyal to your purest purpose and potentials not material gains.
- Do what makes you happy as long as it does not cause harm to others.
- Your peace is important, don't jeopardize it. Prayer is the key to opening the doors of the spiritual and supernatural.
- Your journey is different, stop comparing your life with others. It's unhealthy. Let other people's success inspire you, and not pressurize you to do dumb regrettable things.
- Find out what you're really good at or enjoy doing, develop it, refine it, educate yourself more about it and share it with the world - this is the path to true wealth.
- Your failures, your traumas, your mistakes, and your frustrations happen to help you grow.
- It takes exactly the same amount of energy and effort to succeed by doing the right things as it does to succeed by doing the wrong things... Why sacrifice that growth process for quick gratification?
- When you invest in yourself through continuous self-development. Even if you lose all your money and assets. You can make 10X its worth within a shorter period of time.
- Your sins, quirks, secret addictions, and bad habits do not define you - but that doesn't mean you should stay comfortable in them.
- Become a Better Person and take it easy on yourself. The life of Jesus Christ represents the life of us all - Jesus is who we truly are... LOVE.
- We all believe in GOD, we just call HIM different names - Nature, the X Factor, the Higher Power, the Cosmos etc.
- Dear men, there are so much responsibilities and battles you face quite often. I want you to note that it is totally okay to talk it out, it's okay to cry, it doesn't make you soft, it makes you human... Prioritize your mental health.
- Dear women, show your men empathy. These old boys need your support because y'all are really strong and smart.
- How other people perceive you shouldn't bother you. These ignorant clowns don't even know your complete story, your journey and your mental state - Smile and Keep WINNING!
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