
Consider This Before You Accept A Job Offer

Are you tired of working each month with nothing to show for it? If so, you probably accepted your current job offer without truly understanding the concepts of "Gross Income" and "Net Income." You see, in expensive cities like Lagos, Nigeria where the cost of living is high - you might need to pause and reconsider the long-term financial impacts of accepting a salary offer and negotiate for a better salary if you have to. Not all that glitters is gold. While the salary offer might look juicy in figures, it is more important for you to ensure that most of it is not swallowed up by your monthly expenses like transport, feeding, utility bills, data subscription and house rent. This is because in order for you to live comfortably and grow your wealth, your expenses must be far less than your income. For my readers who don't have a background in financial accounting or business management, the two concepts below are very important for you to get familiar with: ~Net ...

The Big Question

If you lost your possessions today, will you still be valuable? ... Wait! Before you answer, continue reading. John Milton once said, "the mind is its own place, and in itself, can make a heaven of Hell and a hell of Heaven." Your mind is your most precious asset. With the right mindset, you can make miracles out of misery and create opportunities out of difficult situations. Like every other asset, your mind needs proper maintenance and management in order for it to thrive. This is why your "personal development" should be one of your top priority. Personal development involves learning new things, habits and building new skills that help you increase your chances of success, achieving your goals, and living your dreams. The sweetest thing about improving yourself constantly is that it prepares you for bigger opportunities and attracts the right people to you. Self development makes you an interesting and pleasant person to be around. So try and block out some time...

Block Out Time

We all have 24hrs in a day irrespective of our different time zones. So recently I started being more observant about what I do within my 24hrs each day, because I find it quite baffling how we all have the same amount of time in a day but some people tend to make the most out of their time and lead more successful, happier and balanced lives while the rest struggle. By performing this observation exercise, I discovered that on those days I followed through with goals on my "to-do list" I ended each day happier and more energized than on those other days I moved without a "to-do list." This made me realize that there is enough time in a day to accomplish great feats if only I block out time to work towards specific goals on my "to-do list." Try writing your goals on a "to-do list" and block out the time to follow through with those goals over a period of time that's convenient for you and let me know what you discover. PS: writing this short ...

Using Money As A Tool

Cash a.k.a. Money is not an achievement, but a tool. The earlier you realize this truth and put it to good use through good investments, the more of it you would have flowing to you effortlessly. Stop hoarding money, stop wasting money, save some money and invest most of your money wisely. I am only sharing this because it breaks my heart each time I see people who used to live very well in the past now struggle in life. It also breaks my heart when children suffer because of their parent's ignorance and terrible mistakes. Your country might have its own glitches here and there; but it's eventually your mindset, perspective and your beliefs that make or break you. If you have a job, you're blessed - but put your income to profitable use. Likewise, if you're unemployed at the moment you're lucky - but up-skill like your next job is going to make up for the times you were off the market. Instead of laboring like crazy for money all through your life - start making you...

The Importance of Self Discovery

Life is all about self-discovery and self-improvement, this is why self-awareness is a very important aspect of human existence. Unfortunately, most people are more aware of things and other people than they are of themselves. I believe that the primary responsibility of a parent is to help their children discover themselves and improve themselves in that discovery. I also feel that the primary duty of educational institutions should be to guide, nurture and motivate children or young adults towards discovering and applying their strengths towards bettering the world. Stop having misplaced priorities by looking at what others are doing and copying them, following media and society's opinion of who you should be, or at worst comparing yourself destructively to your peers You are a project. You are 100% unique from everyone else on the planet even when you share a few similarities. Your mission is to discover and improve your authentic self and inspire others to do the same. Invest i...

Progressive Reflection

Progressive Reflection 👇🏾 One of the least most popular topics in the business of life is CONTROL. (Yes, life is business. Your life is your business and if you learn how to manage it well you'd have self-fulfillment, progress, contentment, peace of mind, positive influence, and a lasting legacy that outlives you.) By control, I mean progressive reflection. In business management, control is simply looking back to understand what aspects of planning worked and didn't work for a business/organization over a period of time; and helpful actions to take going forward that contribute to the success of the business. You need to engage progressive reflection occasionally in order to lead a purposeful life. If you live in a busy city like Lagos, I know it's harder for you to engage in progressive reflection because there's much more to distract you from your most important business, you. But eventually, it's up to you to decide if you would prefer living on ...

Paid Advertising Mistakes You Should Avoid on Social Media Platforms

  Before you apply the tips below, be 100% sure that your ideal customers use the social media platform you are considering advertising on. Failure to do this would result in wasted time and financial resources. Let's proceed... Not studying advertising best practices before running an advertising campaign on a particular social media platform. Not clarifying your social media advertising goals, strategy, and success measuring criteria. Failure to create an image of your ideal customer based on things like their occupation, age, location, marital status, hobbies, interests, and income brackets. Bad copy-writing or not testing your advertising language before running an advert. Not studying your competitors, their social media pages, and how they advertise. Over-copying how your competitors advertise. Using low-quality visuals (graphics, videos, and animations). Using too much texts (words) in your advertising post. Not targeting a broad audience or being too specific about your tar...