
Showing posts with the label Life Hack

The 6 Key Areas Of Long-term Financial Stability

Your investments are always prone to "threats" and "risk". These risks and threats could be due to unpleasant events, changes in market trends, world politics, government policies, socio-economic dynamics, new industry trends, or even technological advancements. This is why you need to create some sort of balance in your financial life, and the way to guarantee this stability in your finance is through diversification - dividing your financial resources (money) into several segments like slices of pizza. You should not be putting all your eggs in one basket in a world filled with various risks, especially if you are a breadwinner. So what is the solution? The solution is to frequently allocate a certain percentage (or a fixed amount) of your monthly/yearly income into the 6 KEY AREAS OF LONG-TERM FINANCIAL STABILITY, which include your: - Bank account balance - Personal/life savings - Equity investments - Property/Life Insurance - Emergency funds, and - Business inv

How To Manage Your Income & Make Progress Financially

A common question my clients ask when we sit down to discuss about financial planning with focus on family goals, children's progress, and retirement aspirations is "Chris, how do I  manage my income with all these bills I always have to pay?“ This is the simple tip I give them, which they find to be very effective - but before I talk about it, here are some things you should consider: 1. If you worry about it, there's a 90% chance that you can fix it. 2. The foundation of financial progress is constant earning and saving.  3. Financial success is in how much you keep & give, not how much you spend. 4. Life is about giving and receiving.  5. All through your life you will pay money to other people in the form of taxes, bills, fees, and charges; but the money you save and the assets you keep is how you pay yourself.  Now here's the tip. 1. Make a list of all your weekly necessities (not wants) and calculate how much you spend every week and every month on them. For

An effective way to solve your problems – Even TOYOTA uses this approach

Have you ever experienced the same problem so often that you began to think the gods were against you? Or have you ever felt so stuck in an unpleasant reality for much longer than you felt you should? Well, maybe it’s high time you stopped treating symptoms, and started curing the condition. But curing the condition wouldn’t be possible without understanding the root cause of the problem and putting in place counter measures to solve the problems once and for all. So how do you go about it? Read on. The concept called “Root Cause Analysis (RCA)” helps you effectively solve problems right from the source or root. The analysis was developed to enable you (or your team) identify what went wrong, and “why” it happened. You see, actually understanding why a problem exists is necessary for developing an effective cure. In the field of management science, there are several tools used to solve both simple and complex business, social, and economic problems. But for the sake of making this arti

Stop Toxic Masculinity

As a man, it is okay to - cry, express your honest feelings, admit that you are wrong, share your struggles with friends, look attractive, and tell people that you love them. It's a human thing, not a woman's thing. So my dear African male, let 2022 be the year that you stop TOXIC MASCULINITY. DO NOT DIE IN SILENCE, LIVE!

7 Steps To Help You Achieve Your Goals More Efficiently

  At work the most effective way to make progress is by using a to-do list. This also applies to life generally. It's not enough to just know what you want, why you want it, and what you must do to achieve it. You must also write it down because you can't always trust your memory, especially in a world where so many things fight for your attention at once. Follow and save this list to help you achieve your goals more efficiently.  Feel free to send me a private message if you struggle with any of the steps on the list or need some clarification.  Wishing you a successful year ahead 😊 🤝❤️


"Creativity is related to 9 of the top 10 skills that global executives say is essential for 2020 and beyond." – World Economic Forum   So what really is "Creativity"? According to Stefan Mumaw, who has authored six books on creativity,  "Creativity is problem-solving with relevance and novelty." It also is,  "the ability to combine and recombine bits of information — either from your store of memories and knowledge or from the outside environment — in novel, original, and useful ways,”  says Shelley Carson, author of  Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life. Based on the largest known sample of one-on-one CEO interviews, involving over 1,500 corporate and public sector heads across 60 nationalities and 33 industries polled by IBM - 60% of CEOs cited creativity as the most important leadership quality required to help manage companies in today’s world. It not only is the most soug


”People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.” – George Bernard Shaw  Should you stop worrying today because you can't have everything under control, no matter how well you plan? Hmm, let's see...  Sometimes, we make life and at other times life makes us. But this often depends on the choices we make, and how we respond to circumstances both within and outside our locus-of-control.  Everything we worry about falls into two prevalent categories: i. The Things We Can Change: this comprises of our reactions, decisions, actions, attitudes, habits, style, environment, quality of life and beliefs. ii. The Things We Can't Change: this comprises of facts, chance occurrences, and other people's philosophies of life.  Hence, judging from the insights above we need never have to worry about nothing if we can or cannot change it. However, what we should do instead of indulging the act, worrying; are: practicing mindfulnes


There are two of you in you, let both coexist; because you can survive, but not live with a single identity. ~ Tapan Ghosh An alter-ego is a second-self, the opposite of who you usually are and your presonality; it is a persona created by an individual–usually to live out a better version of the self. For example, A few years back, American singer and songwriter Beyoncé Knowles created an alter-ego which she named Sasha Fierce. She described Sasha as being fun, sensual, glamorous, and aggressive. Beyoncé let Sasha out when she was on stage. This AE protected Beyoncé’s self-identify as someone who was reserved and very ladylike.  Likewise, in comic books, Peter Parker works as a photographer for the Daily Bugle but, has a crime-fighting AE who makes an appearance when needed, Spider-man. Jane McGonigal, PhD, explains in her book "SuperBetter: The Power of Living Game fully" that alter-egos can help give us distance from ourselves. This can help us deal better wit


In my humble opinion, I think it's always more rewarding when people take job offers in industries that they can have fun at - yes! fun, work should always be play because those few who truly excel and stand out in their industry are those who play their best game in a field where many basically just work.  You know what's worse than fooling others - right, fooling yourself. It's nice to welcome people's good wishes and standards for you, but you will almost never feel as fulfilled in life as much as when you follow your core childhood dreams. Majority of our most productive years would be spent at work, therefore it is important that we choose career paths or accept jobs that we truly are wired for - in terms of natural abilities.  Stop playing it safe, stop doing it to have others' approval, stop doing it to impress - Start doing it for you, for impact, for the audience that really wants to have a piece of your uniqueness.  Your childhood interests, pa


Progress and Productivity are never the same thing as being "Busy" - you can actually be very busy and still remain stuck at the same level for eon, and that's not the same as being productive. Presently, we live in a world where tonnes of "life-transforming" information and resources can be accessed in just about a short period of time; from eBooks, to videos, and podcasts, literally there's no excuse not to make progress in the direction you truly desire at this time in history.  The underlying problem with this information overload is, over-consumption of unnecessary-yet-irresistible information can leave you directionless in life. Yes my dear, it is true that no knowledge is a waste; but have you ever stopped to consider how much you stunt growth in your true-north (areas of greater impact)  by jumping at every opportunity presented to you. I get it, you mostly jump at these opportunities for fear of missing out or be


Isn't it funny how successful some people brand themselves to be on the internet, and constantly exude a persona which makes you feel like you're lagging behind in life; until you actually see them struggling in reality and then realize what grave mistake you made thinking so poorly about the progress you've been making in your life. My dear you see, you're not alone in this self-imposed comparison trap - almost everybody is guilty of this. But don't get me wrong, comparison isn't a bad thing in itself, but how we choose to go about it. You would agree with me that not all fingers are equal, you would also agree with me that variety is the spice of life; well, if we're on the same page then you'd further agree with me on the fact that our personal values, talents, abilities and areas of peak performance differ. What then is the essence of being bitter about not having something that doesn't truly define your uniqueness.  Ou


"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." — Mark Twain  Did you know that an estimated 70% of people experience " Impostor Syndrome " at some point in their lives, according to a review article published in the International Journal of Behavioral Science.  Yes, more often than not we fail to see how much this feeling of self-doubt suppresses our courage to go after new opportunities, explore potential areas of interest, and put ourselves out there in a meaningful way. Impostor Syndrome, the idea that you’ve only succeeded due to luck and not because of your talent or qualifications; was adopted by clinical psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978, after studies showed that despite obvious adequate external evidence of accomplishments, most successful people remained convinced that they don’t deserve the success they have and often dismiss it as luck, good timing, or as others’ believing they were smar


LOVE is not "if" or "because," LOVE is "anyway" and "even though" and "in spite of." ~ Anonymous There are two ways to rate your relationships or friendships, they are: (A)Conditional, and (B) Unconditional.  (A) Conditional : These are relationships or friendships which are solely based on "I-will-do-this-for-you-if-you-do-this-for-me" and are often entered into unconsciously. Sadly, they are all smoke and mirrors where you never actually know who the other person is. The pitfall with conditional relationships is often that they inherently prioritize something else above the relationship. For example, a scenario where : it’s not really you they care about, but your fantastically beautiful face and figure, or your generosity and resourcefulness. Hence, conditional relationships are more of a "it’s not really you I care about, but rather using you to make me feel good about myself" thing.


The concept of digital well-being revolves around creating and sustaining a healthy relationship with technology, which has become a part of our daily lives. It involves how technology can serve us and move us closer towards our goals rather than distract us from our goals and make us unproductive. Maintaining a healthy digital diet helps us to improve our relationship not just in our private life, but also at work.  You see, in this age, technology is such an important part of our lives, that it's unreasonable to talk about disconnecting from it entirely.   Hence, it becomes crucial for us to consciously gain control over our digital habits and digital behaviors, as this will enable us to actually find the right balance that works for us. Nevertheless, some options that can help you consciously improve your relationship with technology are: 1. Digital Guidelines: These refer to apps or specific technologies, designed to help you get greater digital control. 


Wow! Yesterday was fantastic for me because after church service (yes, this article was written before Covid19), I took a walk in the park with a friend of mine who I had not seen in years since I graduated high school. We talked, observed nature, laughed, and also got to learn some new stuff from each other - it was one of the best times I've had in a long time and it also inspired me to write this piece...  Enjoy!  Being outdoors is fun, but even more importantly, it’s good for the brain, body, and soul. Scientific studies reveal that what we see, hear, or experience at any point in time does not only alter our mood, but also how our nervous, endocrine, and immune systems function. YOU SHOULD SPEND MORE TIME IN NATURE BECAUSE: Nature Soothes: Scientists believe that breathing in phytoncides which are airborne chemicals produced by plants increases our levels of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases. Over the years recent st

Thought Corner (14th February, 2020)

Thoughts don't cancel out thoughts, but contrary actions/affirmations can.  No matter what it is you're struggling with, you are not alone and you can heal. Ignorance is a silent killer.  Never settle for less, you are not cheap.  Do what you find doing with all the positive energy in you.  Don't hold on too tight to what you need to let go off, and move on fast afterwards. 


When you live without discipline, You die without dignity - Book Of Chris Seven Ways to Improve Your Self-Discipline: 1. Believe that you can succeed and set about doing just that. First and foremost, you must have complete faith in your abilities, and courage to take immediate action. 2. Learn to roll with the punches. Do not give in to pressures. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you take care of the big things, the little things will take care of themselves. 3. Get busy achieving your goals. If you just do it, get busy following your plans and achieving your goals, you will soon forget why they cannot be done. 4. Always be aware of the positive elements of hope. Do not get into a rut. Hope is life and life is hope. 5. Have complete confidence in your ability to find a solution to any situation or circumstance. Know that you know that you know. Know that there is always a solution. Reformulate the situation or circumstance in a way that facilitates solution or resolution. F


1. ON RISK TAKING: Keeping your life cheap and flexible for as long as you can is a powerful way to master the art of risk taking. When people get used to a comfortable life, a predictable job, and a reputation of succeeding at whatever they do, it gets very hard to leave that behind (and people have an incredible ability to always match their lifestyle to next year’s salary). Even if they do leave, the temptation to return is great. It’s easy—and human nature—to prioritize short-term gain and convenience over long-term fulfillment.  It’s often easier to take risks early in your career; you don’t have much to lose, and you potentially have a lot to gain. Once you’ve gotten yourself to a point where you have your basic obligations covered you should try to make it easy to take risks. Look for small bets you can make where you lose 1x if you’re wrong but make 100x if it works. Then make a bigger bet in that direction. 2. ON FOCUS: It is much more important to work on the righ


Way too much emphasis have been placed over the years on productivity, hyper-efficiency, and making the most productive use of every last minute; to the point that people work longer hours, constantly check their emails, and are often focused on "Getting More Done." But to what end? Is it to produce more in order to make more money for corporations? Or could it be to make more money for ourselves at the expense of our personal health? Or just to hold on to our jobs (jobs we might not like anyway) just to appear relevant ? On the flip side though, It’s actually possible we’re trying to get more done because we love doing it — and if that’s the case, that’s wonderful. But even then, working long hours and neglecting the rest of life isn’t always the best idea. Sometimes it’s healthy to "Get Less Done," to relax, to breathe.  Sadly, people have forgotten how to relax, how to let go and just enjoy life. Some Tips : Take some time daily to go outside for a wa

Thought Corner (22nd April, 2020)

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.  Contentment is focus and love.  Trust your gut/spirit/heart/intuition/discernment to always guide you in the right path, place it's potentials highly above your mind/intellect/sight. ❤️  Learn from past mistakes/lessons, always use them as your life's principles.  We meet a lot of people in life, but when we filter our crowd with strong personal values and discernment from a place of light, humility, honesty and love, we can keep the real deal, I.e the right people who make our lives magical fantasy in reality every day for the rest of our lives.  Show me a messed up person and I will show you a pattern of seasons in their lives devoid of true love.  If you have any problems, go to experts/specialists who have been well trained to proffer solutions and give results in such areas. Yes it can be expensive, but a cheap quick-fix eventually will cost you a lot more in the future.  Be an observant l